Meet Our 2022 Nurses and PCTs/MSTs of Excellence!

Meet Our 2022 Nurses and PCTs/MSTs of Excellence!

Sarasota Memorial celebrated Nurses’ Week from May 6 to 12 with an array of activities honoring our exceptional nursing team. The organization continued its tradition of recognizing each unit’s Nurse and PCT/MST of Excellence, along with other notable nurses across the organization. Here’s a summary of highlights from the special week.

SMH-Sarasota Nurses of Excellence Ceremony

Chief Nursing Officer Connie Andersen joined SMH patient care leaders in honoring the Sarasota campus’ incredible caregivers. See photos from the special event below.

Cindy Grimes (pictured above second from right) won our first-ever “Advancing Health Science” Award. For 23 years, Cindy has been the coordinator for APACHE (Acute Physiology Age Chronic Health Evaluation), an innovative clinical decision support/outcomes management tool that provides risk predictions and trends for Critical Care patients. Cindy has presented and published numerous studies related to APACHE and most recently, COVID care. Congratulating Cindy, l-r, are Clinical Data Coordinator Lead Terri Viera, Disease Specific Programs Director Agnes Kelly and SMH Chief Nursing Officer Connie Andersen.

Special thanks to the Nurses’ Week Committee chaired by Inpatient Rehab Director Nicole McClain, Disease Specific Programs Director Agnes Kelly and Associate Chief Nursing Officer David Patterson, and to our Nurse of Excellence Ceremony photographer, Patient Flow and Capacity Manager Jodi Beachy!

SMH-Venice Nurse & PCT/MST of Excellence Celebrations

SMH-Venice Chief Nursing Officer Jean Lucas, Inpatient Services Director Julie Polaszek and other patient care leaders made rounds to congratulate the new hospital’s caregivers of excellence; see photo highlights below, and CLICK HERE for a full list of the honorees!