Your Opinion Counts in Gallup Survey!
What takes only a few minutes to complete, yet has a significant impact on our workplace?
It’s the 2021 Sarasota Memorial Employee Opinion Survey, which will kick off July 12 and run through July 25. This will be the eighth time SMH has asked the Gallup organization to conduct the employee survey, which helps the health system identify what’s great in our workplace and what can be improved.
Quick Survey Will Be Available Via a Click Starting July 12
Next month, employees will be able to participate in the survey 24/7 using a computer, mobile device or phone. The survey has 12 questions (listed below) and will only take a few minutes to complete.
On July 12, Gallup will email every employee a personal invitation to participate. The invitation will include an individual survey access code and the link to the online survey. A QR code linking to the survey will be available as well. The invitation also will include Gallup’s phone number for those who prefer to complete the survey by phone, as well as Gallup’s hot line number and email address to obtain assistance.
Responses Kept Confidential
Gallup, which is an independent, outside company, will conduct the survey and will keep individual responses completely confidential.
No one within Sarasota Memorial Health Care System can reference your access code, nor will Gallup reveal it under any circumstances.
After the survey ends, results will be reported at departmental levels. Departments with fewer than five survey responses will be rolled up to the next higher level. For instance, a department with fewer than five employees will have their responses reported with the rest of their division. No member of Sarasota Memorial has access to data that identify specific employee responses.
Preview of the 12 Survey Questions:
Each employee will be asked the following questions. Staff are asked to respond, using a five-point scale, based on how each question relates to their specific department or work area.
Q1: I know what is expected of me at work. |
Q2: I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right. |
Q3: I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. |
Q4 In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. |
Q5: My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. |
Q6: There is someone at work who encourages my development. |
Q7: At work, my opinions seem to count. |
Q8: The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. |
Q9: My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. |
Q10: I have a best friend at work. |
Q11: In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. |
Q12: This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow. |
Great Workplace:
The employee survey typically takes place every three years at SMH. We were due for a survey in 2020, but it was postponed because of the pandemic.
SMH’s last survey took place in 2017. Our excellent survey scores and response rate from that year resulted in SMH winning a Gallup Great Workplace Award. The health system was one of the just 39 organizations worldwide to earn the prestigious honor.
Since four years have passed since the last survey, your input is needed now more than ever, so make your opinions count and take the survey next month.
As SMH CEO David Verinder says, “Sarasota Memorial’s vision is to be the best place to be a patient, the best place to work and best place to practice medicine.
He noted that staff’s feedback on the Gallup survey “will help make our vision a reality, and determine what improvements we need to make to emerge from the pandemic even stronger and more resilient than before.”
Watch for emails and more communications in the weeks ahead, leading up to the July 12 kickoff!